‘Suggest a word’ option?

I play a lot of scrabble, and words with friends and often jump over to Etymonline to see the meaning or derivation of a word, only to find out that it isn’t here on Etymonline. I think it could be a significant improvement to Etymonline if you created a “Suggest a Word” option on Etymonline thus allowing for more user input toward building this dictionary. Obviously each word suggested needs to be checked and approved by the Admins/Creators. I mainly use Etymonline ‘on-the-go’ via the mobile app. Does this option already exist on the website? Thanks very much for your consideration!


Currently neither the website nor the app has such feature.

That’s good advice. Thank you very much.

I think maybe we need to combine this feature with the search function of some sort, so that only when a word cannot be found, the user is prompted to submit a request to the editor.


I second the motion, and just so that when the feature is born, it should not be barren; here is the first entry: pareidolia


I think this could even be completely integrated into search. No need for an extra “suggest a word” step. The act of searching for a word is already a suggestion!


Problem with that is when people misspell words, creates a huge database that has to be routinely cleared out


I don’t think it would have to be cleared out. Misspelled words would be lower frequency and could be ignored without burden. Basically, the search feature presents a stream of “expectations” for the site. What is done with this stream is entirely up to technical preference.


Irregardless: I have been considering what the true meaning of the term irregardless might be throughout history. There are many conflicting perspectives but I have yet read anything that correlates to a form of etymology of ir- as to mean “upon” rather than “not” in a possible proper context which could benefit the belief of the terms use with increased emphasis. This would make the term no longer erroneous. Just to reference a relationship to another word: if we look at “illuminate” we can see that there is definately similarities to the prefix used to emphasize the entire term. Afyer all, il- and ir- both mean not, and both mean upon in their respective uses and applications.

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I don’t think ir- being negative causes any problems. Could just be a situation where the two negative roots intensify each other instead of canceling. Not that common in English but not unheard of.

Good morning
I would like to suggest some evaluation concerning the word intersemiosis

Here one link of many differents explaining the concept.

Prof. Joao Wagner Galuzio