Etymology of the name 'Pitman'

Long time lurker first time poster, I search my own surname just for fun and notices a mistake in the description of its etymology and I don’t know who to contact.
While it may be a minor detail I believe it should be corrected.
It states “It was also used as the name of a popular shorthand system in 1865 by the American educator Isaac Pitman (1813-97), who invented the system in 1837.”
This is incorrect Isaac Pitman was an English man from Trowbridge, who later taught in Bath. His brother Jacob Pitman travelled to Australia to spread Isaacs teachings, while another brother travelled to the US to do the same.
Source: Jacob Pitman is my great x5ish Grandfather, I have a book that details our ancestry (it can be searched with google).


Thanks for the tip; I’ll dig into that soon.

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Oops! I should have done a proof read… I’m using a foreign keyboard to type so the buttons are slightly out of whack… searched*, noticed*. Also I think it was Benjamin Pitman who went to the states but I would have to check that haha