Does the word 'tithe' have a family?

Most restaurants these days supply patrons with a tipping guide printed on the check, often with a range of suggested gratuities for service well beyond the call of duty. Anticipating that churches might also board this bandwagon with suggestions for pledges of more than 10%, I was wondering if there are words akin to the term ‘tithe’ for, say 15%, 18%, 20% and even 30% (as is laughingly suggested as a tip for truly outstanding service at my local Italian restaurant)? Anyone know?

“Fiftithe” (for 15), “twentigothe” (20), and “thritigothe” (30) (or twentigithe and thritigithe, not sure how to modernize them properly), do not seem to have survived in the same way as tithe.

“Eahtatithe” (for 18) would provide a sort of amusement for people like me – whatever I am. :upside_down_face:

(Note that I’ve done nothing but look these up on Wiktionary and try to guess how they work – my point is that nobody uses them in modern English.)

Try to hear those Gs turning into Ys.

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I had figured that that was a yiven. :slightly_smiling_face:

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